Welcome to OstomyToronto.
Partners & Sponsors
Ostomy Toronto is partners with a number of innovative ostomy-related companies, each of which offers members discounts on products. In addition, we have partnered with allied agencies to support each others awareness and fundraising initiatives. Our partnerships include:
C&S Ostomy Pouch Covers offers members 10% off their purchases and a $5 donation to Ostomy Toronto from every Pouch and Toilet.
Stoma Stifler offers members $30 off the website price and a $4 donation to Ostomy Toronto from every purchase.
Comfizz offers members 10% off their purchases.
Awestomy offers members 15% off their purchases.
Aarons Apple helps families take a bite out of overwhelming medical costs providing direct funds for medication and patient amenities for chronically ill children.
Bladder Cancer Canada is a national charity organized to help bladder cancer patients and their support teams address day-to-day issues of this disease, increase awareness of bladder cancer among the general public and medical community and fund research, which pursues the diagnosis, treatment and elimination of bladder cancer.
Please contact info@ostomytoronto.com for discount codes. On behalf of our members, Ostomy Toronto would like thank all our partners for offering these fantastic deals and support!